People are like Car Batteries (originally published 10.30.2017)
People are like car batteries.
I like to make the analogy that people are like cars and our body and attitude are really the car battery. Our mind and body runs on the positive (or negative) energy that is created from our attitude.
Energy is so vitally important to people. If we are positive, we are upbeat, excited and attractive. If we are negative, then we are downtrodden, solemn and unattractive.
Think about your car. It has a battery with both positive and negative charges. In order for your car to properly operate it has to have positive energy.

My analogy is that people are like car batteries. They can be either positive or negative, and sometimes both at the same time.
However, here is the difference. If you have ever been about been around someone positive, their energy radiates to you. If you’ve been around someone negative, you can leave feeling drained.
Here is the problem. What does it take for your car to start? It takes a positive battery. If your car has a positive battery and energy, then it will function and you will function. But, if your car doesn’t have energy and the battery is dead, or negative, can you get very far? Absolutely not. Your car won’t start.
In order for your car to start you need a “jump.” This means you are forced to run around with jumper cables, trying to find someone whose car is positively charged and full of energy. The minute you find that car you want to get plugged in and recharged so you can go on with your day.
Thus, we search around with our jumper cables looking, hoping for a positive battery. What also happens in this situation (and any of you who have either jumped a car, or needed yours done will understand) is that you need to be concerned that the person with the “positive” battery has enough “juice” to get yours started. If they have a weak battery, you may end up draining theirs and NEITHER car will start.
Has that ever happened to you? Are you getting the analogy here? If people are like car batteries, your negative dead battery and can actually drain their positive one.
Let me put it another way.
You have a neighbor and his car won’t start, so you offer to give him a jump and help him with his challenge. When you first get there and plug our cables in, the car responds with the sound of RRRR, RRRR, RRRR and the quickly turns over. While the battery was initially dead, it took just a quick “jump” to get it started.
However the next day, your neighbor needs a jump again. This time the battery takes a little while longer and you get… RRRRR, RRRR, RRRRR. Pause… wait… RRRR, RRRR, RRRRR… pause… pause.
Finally, the car starts and the neighbor thanks you and drives on his way.
What do you think happens about the third or fourth morning? Want to guess?
YOUR CAR WON’T start. You go out in the morning and get… click… click… click….
That’s right. YOUR battery is now dead!
Why? In trying to recharge his car battery, you end up having a battery so weak that your efforts wind up killing yours too.
That’s right, now both batteries are dead and he just used his negative energy to drain whatever positive energy was left in your poor car battery.
If you are the one that is negative and always looking for a jump, it becomes a repellant to others who don’t want to be around you because they leave feeling drained.
However, if you are positive and energetic, you create an attraction where people want to plug in. When you are energetic, it is really a double edged sword. There are so many positives that go with it and people will want to be around you.
So remember, always be a positive battery.