CV19- A personal Poem
This is a personal Poem I wrote regarding the Corona Virus. It may not be perfect, but it was a synthesis of how I felt.
As we hope and pray for the day,
this Corona Virus clears
Will the sounds of song and laughter,
be all that fills our ears
Yes we want less death and suffering,
less sadness and less tears
For each day we listen to the news,
hoping it’s better what we hear
We worry each given day,
for those who may get sick
Watching always what we touch,
and hoping this goes away real quick
Taking steps to protect our family,
and the company that we pick
But it’s a cure that we do want,
snuffed out like a flame that’s on a wick
We look to social distance,
as a way to be more safe
And we work more now at home,
trying to find a quiet place
Firing phone calls in a barrage,
like an aircraft spewing strafe
Hoping the dogs don’t bark too much,
or the kids jump in our face
We worry about the world,
but concern for our family more
Are we doing all we can,
or should we lock and close the door
Taking steps never before taken,
wondering not what, why or for
As we attack this virus scourge,
like we are fighting in a war
Limit what you touch,
wash your hands more every day
When your near other people,
try to stay six feet away
Learn not to touch your face,
keep your hands and fingers at bay
Don’t cough just in your sleeve,
instead use a tissue to throw away
If you think you’re feeling sick,
take immediate steps to isolate
I know it may sound hard,
but this is the safest trait
Protect yourself, family and friends,
don’t just leave it all to fate
I know this may sound tough,
but I’m giving it to you straight
Let’s hope that better days,
are closer than they are far
And just spend more time at home,
not at work or in a bar
For this happened very quick,
and it hit us with a jar
But now the decisions that we make,
will best define just who we are
Use this time you spend at home,
to bond with your wife and kids
Use the time to create the things,
that before you never did
Think of your passions like a can,
as you tear open the lid
Be forceful and be strong,
face all the fears that you’ve kept hid
Don’t be scared, but be prepared,
for each day brings something new
Tell your family that you love them,
and know that they also love you too
For today the sun is shining,
and I’ll pray for me and you
Please be careful every day,
and do all that you can do
Stephen Meade