Are the Democrats Picking the Wrong Villain in Donald Trump? (originally published 1.18.2017)
The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!

The Russians hacked the election!
It seems that’s all we’ve been hearing lately.
I’m not sure hacked is the correct term, unless you say hacked with big “air quotes”
I think the more accurate saying might be the Russians “hacked” the elections, as in they interfered.
Well, even better, and more accurate (if it is true the Russians were even involved), would be to say, “The Russians attempted to “influence and disrupt” the election”.
But hey, I guess that doesn’t have the same ring to it.
If you believe the vein of reasoning that the Russians “hacked” the election — -what does that mean?
Did they “hack” into the voting systems? No.
Did they “change” any votes? No.
Did they did they hack into email systems? Possibly. And if they did, what was the result?
The “hack” of the email actually exposed the pure deceit and hypocrisy of the Democrats, the Democratic system, the disdain against average Americans, the making fun of African Americans and Mexicans, the cheating of debates, and sharing of classified information and more — — again, all by the Democrats (who by their own measure are supposed to be the tolerant and accepting ones).
So, the “hack” exposed the truth about the Democratic party.
For all of those who believe Putin and/or some Russian operatives got involved to “help Trump get elected”, I would say….Really??
Does anyone remember how many Republican Candidates started out? 17. That’s right…Not TWO like the Democrats, but 17!
Trump? For President? He was a laughing stock by all who couldn’t fathom the likelihood or him running, much less winning the nomination, and certainly not winning the Presidency.
But someone, Putin “chose” to support was Trump? That position is laughable.
If Putin/Russia did indeed have a hand in acquiring and sharing the Democratic information to the public — -well, to what end?
The best you could surmise is it was to “interfere, disrupt, and compromise” the belief in the political system of the United States.
If there was doubt in the process — success.
If there was strife among the citizens — success.
If there was concern about the legitimacy of the eventual winner- success.
If there was consternation about the support of a Foreign Government — success.
See, the way I view it, is the Democrats are playing RIGHT into the hands of the Russians.
If you truly believe the Russians were involved, then all of your divineness against the President Elect Donald Trump, is exactly what they wanted to happen.
When you have congressmen and Senators questioning the legitimacy of an election, claiming hacks and external influence, and threatening to boycott and block all of the New Administrative efforts, well then, I would say the Russians have won.
If their goal was to create dissent among the politicians and the public, they accomplished their goals.
And all of you who aren’t supporting the President, the peaceful transfer of power, and the process — -well, maybe you are the real Russian supporters.
You are playing right into the hands of Putin if you continue to question, disrupt, and doubt the legitimacy of the election.
Again, to that end- I would say the Russians won.
Regarding Donald Trump, you can disagree with the politics, the policies, and the positions — — but to disagree with the “process”, well you’re just giving Putin what he wanted (again, supposing he was really involved).